Pastor Mark Dibler
Pastor Dibler (known around Bible Baptist as "Preacher Mark") has been the pastor since May of 1993. A graduate of Tabernacle Baptist College, Pastor Dibler preaches the truth week after week. As a shepherd, he leads the flock of God and challenges his congregation to reach out to souls in need. Preacher Mark also has a heart for missions and encourages the giving of both time and money to further the cause of the Gospel both on and off the mission field.
The church family of BBC considers Preacher Mark to be far more than simply a pastor. He is a mentor and counselor, a friend and guide, and so much more. On a daily basis, he exhibits the fruit of the Spirit in his dealings with individuals and situations. His kindness and generosity know no bounds. Bible Baptist is blessed to have a pastor who loves the Lord and cares so deeply for his people. |