And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world,
and preach the gospel to every creature. - Mark 16:15
This little church by the side of the road has been given the privilege and honor of supporting nearly forty missionaries, both in the United States and around the world. Below is a list of the missionaries we currently support and the areas in which they serve:
Jerry & Barbara Alford Venezuela, South America
Leslie & Amy Bourdess Cordova, Alaska
Dallas & Ashley Brown Burkina Faso, West Africa
Dustin & Ashley Brown Turkey
Charles & Eleanor Chandler Kings Kids
Curtis & Deborah Couch Chile
Bob & Sabina Dayton Nicaragua
Leroy & Kim DeMasellis Prison
Ronnie & Tennile Downey Wales, UK
Stanley & Melinda Ewing Indonesia
Paul Victor Garikimukkula India
Jason & Amanda Hamby Canada
Richard & Shirley Hughes Evangelism
Brenson & Joanna Jennings Niger, West Africa
Richard Hughes Evangelism
Mike & Chelene Kennedy Peru
Russell & Cathy Kidman Military
Fred & Sherry Kindhart Mexico/Central America
Robert & Jessica Murray Boliva
Salvador Nava Philippines
Mark & Carol Oshman Jewish Outreach
Thomas & Dannette Patteson Fellowship Tract League
Ty & Rebecca Pepperdine China
Jackie Powell Baptist International Missions
Beverly & Rusty Rice Prison
Bill & Vicki Richburg Victory Baptist Press
Jason & Dana Rongione Wales
Jim & Nancy Rose Brazil
Terrill & Adriana Rose Brazil
Miguel & Mariangela Sanabria Columbia, South America
Carlos Stowers Mexico
Tabernacle Children's Home Greenville, SC
TIm & KAthy Terhune Collation Station
Kieth & Shelley Terhune Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation
Ben & Caroline Thomas Thailand
Austin & Anny Grace Till China
Charles & Oleen Tinsley Cyprus
Brady & Sarah Van Winkle Turkey
The Walkers West Africa
Andrew Wilder Bolivia
Jerry & Barbara Alford Venezuela, South America
Leslie & Amy Bourdess Cordova, Alaska
Dallas & Ashley Brown Burkina Faso, West Africa
Dustin & Ashley Brown Turkey
Charles & Eleanor Chandler Kings Kids
Curtis & Deborah Couch Chile
Bob & Sabina Dayton Nicaragua
Leroy & Kim DeMasellis Prison
Ronnie & Tennile Downey Wales, UK
Stanley & Melinda Ewing Indonesia
Paul Victor Garikimukkula India
Jason & Amanda Hamby Canada
Richard & Shirley Hughes Evangelism
Brenson & Joanna Jennings Niger, West Africa
Richard Hughes Evangelism
Mike & Chelene Kennedy Peru
Russell & Cathy Kidman Military
Fred & Sherry Kindhart Mexico/Central America
Robert & Jessica Murray Boliva
Salvador Nava Philippines
Mark & Carol Oshman Jewish Outreach
Thomas & Dannette Patteson Fellowship Tract League
Ty & Rebecca Pepperdine China
Jackie Powell Baptist International Missions
Beverly & Rusty Rice Prison
Bill & Vicki Richburg Victory Baptist Press
Jason & Dana Rongione Wales
Jim & Nancy Rose Brazil
Terrill & Adriana Rose Brazil
Miguel & Mariangela Sanabria Columbia, South America
Carlos Stowers Mexico
Tabernacle Children's Home Greenville, SC
TIm & KAthy Terhune Collation Station
Kieth & Shelley Terhune Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation
Ben & Caroline Thomas Thailand
Austin & Anny Grace Till China
Charles & Oleen Tinsley Cyprus
Brady & Sarah Van Winkle Turkey
The Walkers West Africa
Andrew Wilder Bolivia
The mission field can be a lonely place, and our missionaries would love to hear from you. Click on the document to the right for contact information for each missionary family. Send a card. Make a call. Shoot an email. Help us remind our missionaries that their work is not in vain and that they are not forgotten.
Missionary Contact Information